Monday, 24 July 2017

Mole Removal: The Samurai Way!

Benign moles are skin growths which appear anywhere on the face or body. Benign moles originate from cells in the skin that make a pigment called melanin and give the skin its natural colour. Skin Tags and Moles can easily be removed with proper treatments. In earlier time these moles were usually removed by amputating that particular skin tag or hanging, but as the technology advanced the ways have also changed. Now a day’s with the use of proper technologies and equipments removal of these moles is painless and effective. It doesn’t lead to any side effect or dark patches clotting etc.

Benign moles can be flat and smooth or popping off on the surface of the skin. Many of the benign moles are genetically predetermined before we are born. Though the benign moles are non-cancerous, they do not need to be removed from the skin. However, many times benign nevi occur in locations which are prone to rubbing and irritation, and people prefer to have them removed.  While the majority of moles are harmless, there are some that can develop into skin cancer and it is important to get suspicious moles checked by a doctor before it turns out to be dangerous.

Modern Goddess is one such excellent salon cum clinic which provides its customers various beauty treatments for skin like Cryotherapy, Dermal Needling, Viora Infusion, Dermalux LED Phototherapy, etc. and more. Modern Goddess clinic offers specialized skin care and body treatments delivered by highly qualified professionals. Using only the latest technology in equipment and skincare products, its Aesthetic team includes experienced therapists, doctors and trainers as well. They aim to provide you with a complete customized program tailored to your specific needs. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the information. I will be reviewing it soon and will let you know if we have any follow-up questions.
    Mole Removal Dubai
